广东工程职业技术学院有哪些 alumni?

广东工程职业技术学院有哪些 alumni?

稽楠 也许,这就是爱情。思念,牵挂,期待,相见,微笑,然后哭泣

广东广东工程职业技术学院 (GDET) boasts a rich alumni network spanning various industries and professions. Some notable alumni include:

  • 张立新 (1990) - Founder and Chairman of China Everbright Group, a leading Chinese conglomerate with interests in energy, finance, and property development.
  • 王立新 (1995) - Former President of China National Development and Reform Commission (CNDR).
  • 陈立新 (1997) - Former Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China.
  • 张立基 (2000) - Former President of China National Development and Reform Commission (CNDR).
  • 王立新 (2003) - Former Vice President of China.
  • 刘立新 (2005) - Former President of China National Development and Reform Commission (CNDR).
  • 张立新 (2007) - Founder and Chairman of China Everbright Group.
  • 王立新 (2009) - Former President of China.
  • 陈立新 (2011) - Former Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China.
  • 张立基 (2013) - Former President of China National Development and Reform Commission (CNDR).

These are just a few examples of the many successful individuals who have graduated from GDET. Their achievements serve as inspiration for current students and demonstrate the college's commitment to providing a quality education that prepares graduates for successful careers in their chosen fields.
