How can you identify the subject and object of a sentence?

How can you identify the subject and object of a sentence?

温刚 别人撒盐伤不了自我,除非你身上有溃烂之处。

Sure, here's how you can identify the subject and object of a sentence:

Step 1: Identify the verb.

The verb is the central part of the sentence, indicating the action or state being performed.

Step 2: Determine the subject.

The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb. It is the one who receives or performs the action.

Step 3: Determine the object.

The object is the noun or pronoun that receives or performs the action of the verb. It is the one that is affected by the action.


Sentence: The dog barked at the cat.

Step 1: The verb is "barked".

Step 2: The subject is "dog".

Step 3: The object is "cat".

Therefore, the subject of the sentence is "dog" and the object is "cat".
