How can you use the past tense of a verb to express an action that happened in the past?

How can you use the past tense of a verb to express an action that happened in the past?

位英 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚韧不拔之志。

Sure, here's how you can use the past tense of a verb to express an action that happened in the past:

Step 1: Identify the verb.

The first step is to identify the verb in the sentence. The verb is the action or state being performed in the past.

Step 2: Conjugate the verb.

Once you have identified the verb, you need to conjugate it to the past tense. Conjugation involves changing the verb's form to match the past tense.

Step 3: Replace the verb in the sentence.

Replace the original verb with its past tense conjugate. This will give you the past tense of the sentence.

Step 4: Add the past tense suffix.

Add the past tense suffix -ed to the verb's stem. This will indicate that the action happened in the past.


  • Original sentence: I read a book yesterday.

  • Past tense sentence: I read a book yesterday.

  • Original sentence: She went to the store yesterday.

  • Past tense sentence: She went to the store yesterday.

  • Original sentence: He ate dinner alone yesterday.

  • Past tense sentence: He ate dinner alone yesterday.


  • Pay attention to the spelling changes of the verb when conjugating it to the past tense.
  • Use a dictionary or online resource to find the past tense conjugations of verbs.
  • Practice regularly to improve your understanding and skills in using the past tense.